We are a Church of England (Aided) Primary school and like all other schools there is an agreed structure regarding the number and types of governors we have on our Board. As we are a church school we have Foundation Governors, appointed by the Church. Foundation governors work with the school’s leaders to monitor and evaluate the school’s effectiveness as a church school.
Our Board is comprised as follows:
7 x Foundation Governors
1 x staff member
The Headteacher
1 x Local Authority representative
2 x parent governors
The law states that the purpose of governing bodies in our type of school, is to “conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school” (Section 21(2) Education Act 2002).
In practice this means we have six core functions:
In order to discharge these strategic responsibilities, the Full Governing Board meets six times a year. In addition, from September 2022, there will also be a Teaching and Outcomes Committee which will meet three times a year during the school day. The non- confidential minutes of our FGB are on the website.
As a small school we have some mixed year group classes. Each year the Headteacher and her staff decide how to amalgamate which year groups, it may be different each year. We understand this may cause some concern to some parents/carers, however the governors believe the allocation of children to classes is an operational, professional decision which can only be taken by the Headteacher and her staff. The governors have total confidence that the staff know the needs of all of the children and will make the most appropriate allocation to ensure every child achieves their true potential. It is not a discussion or decision the governors will enter into; however, governors will continue to monitor the achievements and progress of all children.
If parents/carers have any concern about a child, or the school generally, you should take it up in the first instance with the class teacher or head teacher as appropriate. If your concern cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact me as the Chair of Governors (or indeed, any of the governors) and I will try to help.
Every school newsletter contains a short report about the school's governing board- reading this is a good way to keep updated on our activities.
Colin Glynn
Chair of Governors appointed 9th May 2022.