
Weston on Trent Church of England (Aided) Primary School

Let Your Light Shine

Home Page


The staff and Governors aim to make Weston-on-Trent Primary School a suitable learning environment for all. We offer equal access to the curriculum for every pupil, including those with Special Educational Needs and physical disabilities.


The school operates in line with the DfE’s 2014 Code of Practice, which includes provision for assessment, monitoring and record keeping.


If parents have a concern about their child, the initial point of contact should be either the class teacher or the Headteacher, Mark Hibbert, who will liaise with the school's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENDCo) Martin Stephens. The governor with responsibility for SEND is Philip Curnock.


If your child should require extra support, advice is available and programmes of work can be devised. Our school offer, and the local authority's, is available for viewing below.

  • Weston on Trent Church of England (Aided) Primary School,
  • Forrester Avenue, Weston-on-Trent,
  • Derby, England,
  • DE72 2HX
  • Tel: 01332700488
  • Email: