
Weston on Trent Church of England (Aided) Primary School

Let Your Light Shine

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Christian values

Values for life

‘Values for Life’ is a resource to support primary schools in promoting the teaching of Christian values. The 18 values are:

Each term our Collective Worship leader works with staff and all of our children and parents sharing and promoting the new value that we will be focusing on in Collective Worship.


We discuss links with the church calendar and our music and prayer monitors decide on songs and prayers that link in with the theme.

Our behaviour is linked very closely to our values. Therefore, all of our values our linked to our vision of letting your light shine. 

  • Weston on Trent Church of England (Aided) Primary School,
  • Forrester Avenue, Weston-on-Trent,
  • Derby, England,
  • DE72 2HX
  • Tel: 01332700488
  • Email: