Through the teaching of Music we enable personal expression, reflection and emotional development. Music is held in high regard at Weston-on-Trent and taught by staff across the school in stand alone lessons and across other subjects in interdisciplinary manner.
In EYFS the children will sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs and perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and try to move in time with music. This leads into the Charanga scheme which covers KS1 and KS2.
Each lesson in the scheme begins with 'retrieval' moving on to 'listen and appraise' giving the children the opportunity to listen to and discuss a wide variety of music from a range of genres. It moves on to musical activities which include games, singing, playing, improvising and composing. Finally there is an opportunity to perform or share.
In addition to our music lessons based on the scheme outlined above, children are able to access piano and guitar lessons through school.
Weekly singing collective worships are held for the whole school where we will sing and discuss the meanings of a wide variety of songs including traditional songs, hymns and popular music with a clear message or theme. We have a school song which the children all know and sing loudly and clearly.
We have music of the week which broadens children's knowledge of different genre, composer and instruments.
We have a wonderful KS2 choir which last year had 40 members who met weekly in an after school club and at lunch times in the run up to performances which included a Christmas concert at Repton Church to raise money for the Rainbows Children's Hospice and the Young Voices concert. Young Voices is an amazing event where the Weston children became part of a choir of 6,200 children at the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham.