Our school was founded in 1903 for the following purpose:
‘… a school for the education of children and adults or children of the labouring manufacturing and poorer classes in the parish of Weston-on-Trent aforesaid and it is hereby declared that the school shall be in union with and conducted according to the principles and in furtherance of the ends and designs of the incorporated National Society for promoting the education of the poor in the principles of the Established Church…
This aim still stands: we aim to give all of the children in our care a good education with its foundation being the teachings of the Bible. Children at this school are treated as individuals and all members of the school community will be expected to treat one-another with compassion and respect.
Following discussions with children and staff, the school's vision was changed to 'Let Your Light Shine' in September 2019 in order to reflect the centrality of the Bible to our vision and the fact that we want every child to flourish.
The children are very familiar with the school's vision since it is shared regularly during Collective Worship and is prominently displayed around the school. We want our children to understand why they are in school and to be active, engaged learners who work hard to shine their own individual light. We also want to imbue our pupils with Christian values. You do not need to be a practicing Christian in order to live by the values and we believe that children of all faiths and none would benefit from an education with the following foci:
Our daily Collective Worship is central to our identity as a school and provides a time when the school family can enjoy being together. See the Collective Worship tab for details.
The school's values run through everything we do, as detailed in our curriculum intent.
It is our intention that the children will enjoy school and have access to a broad and balanced curriculum enabling them to experience 'life in all it's fullness'. See Embracing Change: Rural and Small Schools (March 2018) if you wish to understand this concept better.
Please look at the Religious Education tab to see the carefully planned RE curriculum which will give the children both a secure understanding of Christianity and a respect for, and understanding of, other faiths. In planning this curriculum, we have borne in mind which faiths are practiced locally. The children therefore learn about Islam and Hinduism in most detail alongside an understanding of the key tenets of other major World faiths.
We are proud to be part of Derby Diocese and work closely with both DDBE and DDAT.